The first 12 weeks - I could BARELY choke down a veggie yet I lived on salads before then. Now I'm back on the veggies for the most part but can't even take the smell of Coleslaw... which I couldn't get enough of a month ago (of course opting for the mass produced kind to ensure ultra pasteurization). This came as quite the shock/disappointment to me when I picked up my favorite Sony Sandwich yesterday at lunch - Ham, cheddar and coleslaw. Gotta love the Brit staples!

I have only gained 6 pounds so far and I'm supposed to gain AT LEAST 25 during the pregnancy. I know being super sick for a week really set me back, but I am taking the opportunity to sneak a little treat every now and then. So yesterday, I noticed the Canteen started selling Hershey's cookie and cream bars! It's very rare to find any candy over here that's the same as home and these used to be my fav candy bar of all time, so I thought why not? I go to enjoy it last night only to discover it was one of the most disgusting tastes I've ever had in my mouth! This was seriously depressing because white chocolate is my of my most favorite things ever... What is up with this kid?!