But on the whole, it hasn't been too bad. When I look in the mirror day to day, I don't feel like I look any different, but when Andrew takes my weekly picture, I can really see the difference! Baby girl is growing for sure! She is still moving quite a bit. I feel her most when I am laying on my side in bed at night... I think she will be quite sporty judging by how much she kicks!
How far along? 26 Weeks
Total weight gain: 13 lbs Maternity clothes? Just the bottoms. I actually feel most comfortable in dresses and leggings... thus the repeat outfit this week.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Still not amazing. Guess it's good practice for when Baby is actually here!
Best moment this week: When baby girl punted Andrew's hand. I didn't know babies could kick this hard... especially this early.
Miss Anything? Seafood. I've been to a lot of nice restaurants lately and I can't order the scallops or the prawns or the sushi ha.
Movement: Still moving like a champ. She's been kicking extra hard these days!
Food cravings: Carbs. I want nothing but carbs. And steak.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really at the moment (super rare these days!)
Gender: Baby girl
Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: heartburn and backpain
Belly Button in or out? In. Barely.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very very happy :)
Looking forward to: Hitting 27 weeks. Apparently if baby girl comes any time after that point there is a great chance she'll be just fine! Although, I really want her to stay in there as close to June as possible!