Jules wore her cousin Erin's baptism dress for the ceremony and Auntie Marianne gave her a handkerchief that had been folded and pinned in a few places so that it could be a baptism hat! It came with the following explaination:
as cute as cute can be.
Would you ever guess a
hanky I used to be?
I can be worn home
from the hospital,
Then again on Christening Day.
You can then neatly fold
me and keep me for the Wedding Day.
Every bride must wear
something old - so you can
clip a stitch or two and
a wedding hanky will unfold.
If by chance it is a boy.
on the day he is wed,
I can be presented to his bride
won't she be proud to use -
the bonnet he wore upon his head.
Juliette was one of four baptisms on this Saturday. Two older little girls and another little girl probably about one or so because she could walk. When it was Juliette's turn to have the water on her head, she did great and checked out father John from an upside down perspective. One of the older litte girls did not have the same experience as she kicked and screamed the whole time.
Afterwards, my mom hosted the family for a nice reception. Juliette is one special baby to warrant guests coming from Florida, Virginia, West Virginia and Georgia to see her!
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