For about 5 seconds, I thought I lost a baby. |
Juliette has been such a star with all her milestones until we have started focusing on this moving business. She rolls like lightening. Seriously, I will blink and she will end up somewhere crazy like under the dining room table, under the chaise lounge, between the couches under the end table or trying to get to her buggy. The days of leaving her playing on her mat whilst I put some dishes away or put in a load of laundry are definitely LONG gone. But she definitely hasn't tried to crawl yet.
Monday she sat up for the first time, using the baby Einstein jumper to anchor her feet and then she pulled up on her bouncy chair and there it was! But she hasn't done it again until today.
Currently, her favorite toy is a water bottle. |
I saw the light on the monitor move around 3 PM, which is when she usually wakes from her afternoon nap, so I turned on the screen and saw her kicking around. And then, she did the funniest thing - got up on all fours and started rocking! I've never seen her do that before, so I quickly went into her room so I could see her do it in person, but I found her sitting up in
her crib with a delirious and stunned look on her face. Of course I immediately started crying... she's getting so big so fast!! I'm not sure that I like it.
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