Today I am 38 weeks pregnant. Pregnancy really hasn't been bad at all until 2 days ago.
Monday night around midnight I started getting horrible stomach pains where I couldn't lay down at all. At that time of night, the only number I could call was NHS direct - nurses that give you medical advice. The baby was moving fine, so she told me if it got worse to call the labor ward as I could be going into labor. After about 45 minutes, the pain subsided a bit and I was able to sleep. My thought was, if I was going into labor, I'd have to ride it out at home for awhile anyway.
When I woke up yesterday, I felt much better, but the pain wasn't completely gone. It moved from my upper to my lower abdomen. I called my midwives to run it by them and I was told just to monitor and if it escalated, I was probably going into labor! So I packed my hospital bag completely - as a procrastinator I hadn't packed any entertainment materials or my toiletries - just in case.
So now we are on the second full day of pain/cramps but it still hasn't escalated into contractions. I think this must be the stage of pregnancy that everyone complains about - things just get uncomfortable! Now, my whole body is achy and I have constant lower abdominal pain. Fun times! It's kind of crazy though... I could go into labor any day!
We also got a nice package from Grandma Catherine (Andrew's mom) today filled with a Winnie the Pooh book in Spanish, tons for super cute Ralph Lauren outfits, and sleeping gowns! It's great because they are for 6 and 9 months which we don't have much of yet! One of the cutest items is USA bows for her hair! I really hope she has hair when she's born because those bows would be super cute for next month on the 4th of July!
Looking forward to: These early symptoms escalating to labor!
Monday night around midnight I started getting horrible stomach pains where I couldn't lay down at all. At that time of night, the only number I could call was NHS direct - nurses that give you medical advice. The baby was moving fine, so she told me if it got worse to call the labor ward as I could be going into labor. After about 45 minutes, the pain subsided a bit and I was able to sleep. My thought was, if I was going into labor, I'd have to ride it out at home for awhile anyway.
More presents for baby JVM |
We also got a nice package from Grandma Catherine (Andrew's mom) today filled with a Winnie the Pooh book in Spanish, tons for super cute Ralph Lauren outfits, and sleeping gowns! It's great because they are for 6 and 9 months which we don't have much of yet! One of the cutest items is USA bows for her hair! I really hope she has hair when she's born because those bows would be super cute for next month on the 4th of July!
How far along? 38 Weeks
Total weight gain:
27 lbs
Maternity clothes? Maternity shirts are a must.
Stretch marks? Nope. Two weeks left...
Sleep: Sleeping OK. I had wicked insomnia over this past weekend. And now, if I lay on one side for too long, my hip falls bueno. But I did sleep in until 11:30 today and it was phenomenal!
Best moment this week: Feeling like labor could be any day!
Miss Anything?
My body. Can't wait to exercise again. And drink a big glass of wine.
Movement: Big stretching still plus her little bum moving all over the place. I can even feel her stretch her hers sometimes really low in my abdomen.
Food cravings:
Water. And rice krispy treats.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Starting to feel queasy for no apparent reason these days.
Gender: Baby girl
Labor Signs: Lower abdomen pain. Nausea.
tiredness, swollen feet and hands, loose pelvis, hot flashes..the works!
Belly Button in or out? It seems more of an innie since the baby has dropped.
Wedding rings on or off?
Off. I have sausage fingers this week again.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very
very happy :) Slightly annoyed with how these last days are dragging!
Baby JVM should be here any day!!! Can't wait to see her! :)
ReplyDeleteHang in there love! So excited she will be here soon!