Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ready to Pop!

I'm 39 weeks tomorrow. Every day I wake up feeling like today could be the day! I've gotten my Maternity Benefits sorted, my Hospital bag is by the door, all the baby clothes are washed and put away, the crib is made up, changing table stocked... it's time! 

I keep getting a lot of aches and pains in my lower abdomen and in that general area. Sometimes they are sharp, sometimes like cramps, sometimes it's just a general achy feeling. When I walk for an extended period of time, it feel like the baby may literally fall out of me! I guess these are all normal signs that your body is preparing for labor? 

I go to the midwives on Thursday for a check up, but they do not do internal exams here so I'm not too sure if they'll be able to tell if I'm effaced or dilated at all! 

I've also started looking into sleeping techniques and parenting methods. I'm sure Andrew and I will go with whatever feels natural, but I feel like I should read up on some of the suggestions out there. Suggested reading is welcomed!  

1 comment:

  1. I like the Happiest Baby series, good luck with everything! I love you!
