Thursday, June 28, 2012

Our first Week

Juliette is 10 days old today! I can't believe we've had her that long already. 

The first week went really well for the most part. The most difficult thing was recovering from the c section (which I am still struggling with). I have irritation from the catheter, which hasn't been fun, and there is a hematoma on my internal wound under my skin incision that is pretty painful. 

But enough about me! Juliette has been such a joy! She eats like a champion, poops like a machine and sleeps like an angel at night! Other than the first night in the hospital, we've only had one "bad" night since she's been home. She usually goes to bed for the night at 10:30 pm - fed, changed and swaddled - and sleeps until about 2:30 am and then again from 3:00 am until about 6:00/6:30 am! Not too shabby for a bitty baby. I set my alarm for 4 hours from her last feed each night because the midwives said I shouldn't let her go longer than 4 hours without eating at this stage - I've woken twice this week to the alarm because she was still sleeping! 

My mom has been a really big help too! She's cleaned our whole apartment (probably better than it's every been cleaned!), done laundry, cooked and watches the baby so I can nap. It doesn't get much better than that! She also has Juliette tracking already. She's been doing so well. 

The most amazing thing though is how much weight Juliette has put on in her first week! From Monday to Saturday, she gained 4 ounces when most babies lose weight their first week. Then Andrew created a baby scale using our kitchen scale, a mixing bowl and a cutting board on Tuesday and determined she was 7 lbs 7 ounces! We have our final midwives appointment tomorrow so we will get the official weight gain, but we're hoping for a lot! We need her to be 8 lbs before she can use all her cool things - slings, vibrating chair, nap nanny, baby bjorn, etc! 8 lbs seems to be the magic number.

Here are some photo highlights from Juliette's first week: 

1 comment:

  1. She's so cute! Erin loves all the pictures - she wants to look at them over and over. She also wants to know when she can meet the baby "for real"... Looks like you're having a great first week! Xoxo
