Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First Full Night's Sleep!

23 July 2012 - Juliette's first time sleeping through the night! She went down at 11 PM and didn't wake up until 7 AM! I did not get the same 8 hours of sleep as I was concerned something was direly wrong since she was not waking up and my "milk machines" were about to EXPLODE due to the lack of feedings. So I slept from 11 PM until 4:30 AM. Then I pumped, and "rested my eyes" until 7.

What do I attribute this too? A large bottle before bed (at least 3 oz) and then swaddling her until the point of complete immobilisation.

I was a bit worried yesterday (the morning after the "Big Sleep") because she then slept from 7:30 AM until 3:45 PM, waking only for a feed here and there. The nurse running baby massage said that was due probably to uncharacteristic heat we were having (and then no AC to boot). 

I thought for sure there would be no sleeping last night due to the giant nap, but my little Koala Bear went down at 11:10 PM thanks to daddy's magic touch and woke up at 6 AM! This is all very promising, indeed...  


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