Sunday, July 22, 2012

Our First Girls Only Slumber Party!

Andrew is in Scotland this weekend with his mom, and my mom was trying to give me two good night sleeps while he was away by being on baby duty. It worked Friday night, but last night my little Princess Peach woke up at 3:30 am and decided she didn't want to go back to bed after guzzling the one bottle my mom had for the middle of the night feed.

In came my mom at 4 am so that I could "top her off" but even that didn't work. My poor mom was falling asleep as I tried all my techniques to get Juliette back down, and I finally convinced her to go back to her room and sleep! No reason we both should be tired in the morning. 

4 am quickly turned into 5 am. After some helpful suggestions from my Facebook friends, I turned on the white noise Hair Dryer app I had on my phone and that seemed to be lulling her back to sleep. 

Back to our room we went and 15 minutes of Hair Dryer noises, plus a little drink for good measure, Juliette passed out on me. Instead of trying to get her back in the crib (all the movement kept waking her last few tries) I just plopped her down in Andrew's spot on the bed. She slept like a dream for another 3 hours. Maybe daddy's "scent" helped calm her because he is my secret weapon usually when I can't quite get her to pass out.

When she started stirring around quarter to 9 am, I laid next to her, watching her little face as she woke up. It must have only been for a few minutes, but it was one of the best moments I have had with her to date. 

Her little face is so expressive and I think I saw every emotion pass over her face 5 times over. She has the most heart-meltingly beautiful smile you have ever seen. And she kept moving her arm so her hand would bump my mouth. I'd kiss it each time she did that, which seemed to make her smile in her sleep. It moments like that that make all the exhaustion worth it. She's perfect.  


  1. I remember those nights all too well... I used to walk in circle with Erin over my shoulder for what seemed like for ever!!! I didn't want to put her down in case we had to start all over. Seems like you are doing a wonderful job Mom :)

  2. You are a sweet Mama, I love those moments still with my babies.
