Sunday, April 15, 2012

30 Weeks

It's the final countdown! 30 weeks down, 10 to go! 

Weeks 29 & half of 30 I spent at home in La Plata with the fam (thus no pictures/updates). I had my wonderful baby shower and finally bought some proper maternity clothes because my regular ones are looking super inappropriate mostly because they are really short! Old navy has really cute maxi dresses. My style has been maxi dress, cropped cardi and a long necklace (distracts the eye). I must say, I think it works! 

But week 30 has been amazing because I REALLY feel baby girl move all the time now. She's really gentle so if I'm moving around, I don't always feel her, but when I sit, I start getting little feet stretching out on my right side. Well, what I think are little feet. 

I got a really nice baby names book while we were home and in the BA Lounge while waiting to board, Andrew FINALLY started talking names with me :) We still have VERY different preferences, but we have a small list of names that neither of us flat out rejected! Progress. Do I think I will get my dream name? No. BUT I'm trying to see the benefit of others since I did not make Baby Girl on my own. The book suggests trying out the different names - calling her by a single name for the whole day to see how we like the sound of it. I think we may try that technique this week to see if we can start narrowing the list a bit more - maybe seeing if Andrew will come around to my top choices ;) 

How far along? 30 Weeks

Total weight gain: 19 lbs 

 Maternity clothes? I have given in to the dark side. I am sitting here in a lovely H&M MAMA sweater with little suede elbow patches as I type. I also have some cute maternity maxis from Old Navy. I am just far too big for regular clothes.

Stretch marks? Nope. WHEW!
Sleep: Sleeping Ok. My shoulders fall asleep when I lay on one side for too long, but I am SO tired these days that I don't think I could sleep any harder if I tried. I even take naps every now and then! I've never napped in my life.

Best moment this week:  The 4D scan! Her little face is SO cute and everything looks really good. I can't wait to meet her!
Miss Anything? Wine again. I would really like a tiny glass today... lol. But I won't!
Movement: Big girl moving now! There's no doubt about it when I feel her, I definitely feel her. She kicks/pokes/stretches mostly on my lower right side. Love it!

Food cravings: Cheese. Butter. All things fattening... 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Ground beef. I don't like strong smells of any kind really. Cleaning products are NOT my friend.
Gender: Baby girl
Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: Everything I eat gives me heartburn. Everything. My back hurts when I sit or stand for too long. My feet hurt after I'm done cooking dinner. My body is not liking this extra weight.

Belly Button in or out? In. Barely. It's really weird.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very very happy :) 
Looking forward to:  Getting the last of my baby things! We ordered the changing table over the weekend and will be getting the pram in the next few weeks. I just want to be all organised and ready for my little nugget! She's going to be here in no time!  

1 comment:

  1. maybe all the heartburn means she'll have a head of hair on her when she's born!
