Saturday, April 14, 2012

State Side Baby Shower!

Andrew and I went home on Friday, March 30th for my final trip to the States before Baby Girl gets here. The very next day we had a wonderful baby shower hosted by Steph, Aunt Marianne, Molly Simpson and Carol Mullen! 

I have only been to a handful of baby showers in my life, but I can't imagine many are much nicer than mine was! I was so so touched by how many people came! Andrew's mom and sister flew in from Texas, Steph came in from Hoboken, Ashley and Emily from Baltimore, Eileen from Arlington, Aunt Cris and Aunt Conchita in from Virgina and West Virgina, Aunt Marianne from Florida - all just for me and Andrew! 

My Aunt and Carol made ALL the food for the shower which was just amazing! I tried to wear a pretty pink dress for the occasion (and going along with the theme) but an hour in, I had already dropped some cheesy deliciousness on the front and ruined all photo opps afterwards. Typical me...

I loved catching up with all my friends and family that came. I can't say it enough, I was so so touched by how many people were there. And then it was present time. All I can say is I will have the best dressed baby in London! We got so many clothes that I'm unsure whether she will even be able to wear all of them! Here are a few snipits of the day! 

Holy Presents!

Me and my beautiful Mom mom

Will always have a special place in my heart for these girls!

Andrew's mom and Celine stayed until Sunday afternoon and it was so great to be able to spend the extra time with them. My whole trip home was so amazing - family, friends, Target...America is a great place. It made me REALLY homesick, but at least I have a lot to look forward to back in London! I had a major reality check when everyone kept saying "the next time I see you, you will have a baby with you!" Absolute craziness. I feel like such an adult!  

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