Saturday, April 28, 2012

My pram!

My Pram came!! After long evening of online price comparison, we finally found a good deal on the bugaboo bee and purchased along with the cocoon for newborns. 

It took a little while to get to us. Originally we had decided on Blue (as it is fairly gender neutral so can be used again with the next baby) but they ran out of blue so we went with red. I loved it in yellow, but Andrew brought up a good point - you would see dirt and stains more on the yellow. The cocoon, we had to go with black or wait a few more weeks for new stock to come in. As I am an instant gratification person, I went with black. 

It's super cute! Very maneuverable. Love it. There will be a baby in there soon! 

Spoiler alert: We may have decided on a name but it will be a secret until D-Day! 



  1. Awesome! So glad you decided on a name - can't wait to find out!

  2. Glad you decided on a name! You know the right one when you hear it :) I'm sure she loves it and is already getting used to it!
