1. It is good to bring a set of grandparents along.
2. Even the best babies will scream on a plane for no apparent reason.
3. After 3 kids, you are just making it REALLY hard for yourself.
4. Not sure I would ever get a double stroller (when Baby #2 comes) - they are massive and don't fit easily everywhere.
But Andrew and I had an amazing babymoon. Just relaxed, ate and relaxed some more. The only place you could get internet access was if you were in reception (nothing in the rooms and it was spotty by the pool) so you were REALLY cut off from the world! I have to say, I didn't really mind it! Unfortunately, I am not very tan. I actually felt nauseous if I was in the sun for too long and I really didn't want to overheat. I think baby girl will have my skin coloring though. She danced all around when the sun would hit my belly - a natural sunbather!
Andrew actually ran and went to the gym everyday... I on the other hand ate, read in my lounge chair, ate again, read in my lounge chair, showered and then ate again. Although I looked like a beached whale in my bathing suit I have to say, it was pretty cool not worrying one bit what I looked like in it!

I was a little bad in Greece and broke some of the pregnancy eating rules - how can you not have a little feta in Greece?! That was the only rule I really broke I guess. Well, that and eating tons of Tzatiki... I doubt that yoghurt was pasteurised but what can you do...
The BEST day was my birthday! We rented a convertible and drove around the east bit of the island for the day. We started in Agios Nikolaos and then making our way north to Plaka which was my FAVORITE place we went! We parked and walked to the water to find a lunch spot. This fabulous little Greek man sold us on the first place we walked by with all their fresh catches - mainly the grilled calamari - and then he showed me a live crayfish that was the size of a lobster and twice as fat!
We had Tzatiki, the grilled calamari, a greek salad, some olives and garlic bread. The best part though was that this little outdoor restaurant was built on a little cliff over looking the water! It was absolutely breathtaking and the best food we had, hands down, the entire trip.
We really enjoyed ourselves and each other. I am very relieved to be home with no baby issues...the end is getting close!
How far along? 33 Weeks
Total weight gain: 24 lbs
Maternity clothes? Dresses mostly these days. Even maternity pants aren't as comfy... Anything that pushes on my bladder is a no no!
Stretch marks? Nope. WHEW!
Sleep: Sleeping OK. I am quite comfy on my back but I know that's not acceptable when this far along so I constantly have to move myself! I really hate sleeping on my side.
Best moment this week: Not having the baby in Greece :) Also feeling her move regularly. She has never really been a kicker. She's more of a flopper and I am starting to feel little feet stretch up into my ribs!
Miss Anything? Wine, REALLY good non-pasteurised cheese, proscuitto and sushi.
Movement:Lots. Mostly when I'm sitting though. She seems to really enjoy stretching her legs and she gets the hiccups a lot! She also doesn't like if I'm sitting and then lean forward. She flips out a bit.
Food cravings: Food. I just want to eat all the time. ALL the time.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still not psyched about ground beef.
Gender: Baby girl
Labor Signs: No. I'm a bit worried about preterm labor for some unjustified reason.
Symptoms: I didn't have heartburn this week! Any time I walk around, I literally have to pee every 20 minutes... max. It's getting REALLY annoying. I'm sleepy all the time too.
Belly Button in or out? Still considered in. I don't know that I will get an outtie, but it's sure close.
Wedding rings on or off? On. My fingers and face haven't really swelled/put on weight.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very very happy :)
Looking forward to: Going to the midwives tomorrow and seeing what's up! I've got a birth plan to write... no one has talked to me about the birth yet... I just feel like there's a lot to look forward to! We also start our Antenatal Classes tomorrow. Should be interesting!
Welcome back Steph! I am so glad everything went well in Crete and can't wait to hear all about it next time we meet! BTW, I love your green and white floral dress, is it a maternity dress? Will you pass it on to another mum-to-be? :)