Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Busy week!

I'm 36 weeks today! This week has gone by the fastest yet and that's most likely because I've been one busy bee! 

Sunday, Andrew and I went to Peter Jones in Sloane Square to get a few outstanding baby items that we still needed - muslin squares, a diaper disposal system, changing table mat and liners, cellular blankets, etc. Once home, we unwrapped everything and completely went through everything in the back room. Our furniture is being delivered on Saturday so we will finally have somewhere to put everything! This task led to A LOT more baby laundry for me to do. I really don't know what we are going to do with all these clothes we have. They are ALL for 0-3 months. I just don't know how she will wear them all without 10 outfit changes a day!   

Monday was my last NCT class where we learned the fundamentals of breastfeeding. They show you all these amazing videos of newborn babies that are placed on their mother's abdomen and then they literally crawl/scoot their way to the breast! It all looks so easy, but from everything I hear from new moms, this is NOT the case. Regardless, I found the class extremely informative and interesting. I feel better prepared for what to expect those first days.  Hopefully Baby Girl is a breastfeeding natural!

The Wonky side...
After class, I went back to Peter Jones to get a little gift for Kenna and Neil's new baby boy Baedan and to get me some stuff to knit and/or crochet Baby Girl a few things. I've started on a lavendar baby blanket (because I had a special blankie when I was little) and I thought it was going REALLY well until I was looking at it today and the one side looks a little wonky but I feel like I've gone too far to turn back! At least it will always be identifiable! Hey, it was made with love, right?

What to do with all this baby stuff?!
Then Tuesday, I went to visit Kenna and Neil's new baby who is 3.5 weeks old. He's so tiny and perfect! I got to hold him at the very end... it made me really nervous! He was barely 7 lbs... I guess I didn't realise how tiny newborns are. It also really made me want mine... now! 

And now we are to Wednesday! I guess I should make these kind of plans every week and the baby will be here in no time! Although, next week I will be considered full term so baby can be here at any time... guess I should be prepared for that too! 

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