Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Nesting Begins!

It's official. I've hit nesting mode! I usually look forward to lounging around and watching trashy TV on my weekends, but this past weekend, Andrew and I did the complete opposite!

We spent several hours on Saturday completely purging and restructuring our closets. I would like to thank the maintanence guys that forced our hand a bit with this one (having removed and put back in an interesting way EVERYTHING in my closet). By the end, we had 6 trashbags full of giveaways that we took to Oxfams, which is a great organisation that helps combat poverty. I still need to go through my "summer bins" that are up in storage, but it's coming along!

As my reward, we went ahead and ordered our changing table/dresser unit to store baby girl's massive new wardrobe in! I really wanted white and something that was solid wood (not particle board) so we ended up ordering it here in the UK - which was super hard to find something nice for a decent price - thank you Homebase! Here she is:

I would've loved to have gotten the whole set, but we just don't have room right now.

And then Sunday, we went through the rest of the flat and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned! Left of my to-do list? Go through Summer bins, clear out and get rid of the dresser in our bedroom (to make room for baby crib), get rid of the desk in the backroom. I'm sure a million more things will come up, but baby steps right? I can't wait for the baby stuff to find a proper home! 

1 comment:

  1. cute dresser! I was going to go with white furniture too but my mom convinced me white was for I got espresso instead. We ordered the cribs today and I bought a nice dresser yesterday that I plan to use as a changing table as well. The next thing I am trying to figure out is closet storage. The twins are going to have a lot of stuff!
