Thursday, May 31, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
36 weeks!
You can do it! |
Ta da! |
I spent a few hours Sunday afternoon going through all the baby clothes and other bits and tried to organise. It ended up being perfect for everything! Well, everything from 0-3 months... this girl has more clothes already than I do! It'll be interesting to see how she survives after she outgrows 3 months, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Accessories Drawer |
We also saw What to Expect when Expecting on Sunday with Valentina and Rob. It's getting really hard for me to sit for extended period of time without my trusty back pillow I use at the flat. I guess this is the hard part of pregnancy people keep talking about. Other than having to pee every five minutes and the swollen sore feet... I guess it really isn't THAT bad :) I am definitely starting to look a little rough though. My pictures aren't as forgiving at this stage...
How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain:
25 lbs
Maternity clothes? With the London heat wave, I've been living in the same three maternity dresses and my trusty "lounge" outfit above. The heat should break later this week though.
Stretch marks? Nope. Just three more weeks, come on!
Sleep: Sleeping well actually. Still having weirdo dreams, but I am starting to wake up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. I haven't done that since the first trimester! I feel like I could've slept for forever today.
Best moment this week: My baby shower and just having a lot of social plans :) It made the week go by so fast!
Miss Anything?
My waist. I would love to wear cute little dresses and jumpsuits right now!
Strong stretches. Little feet on my right side. My whole stomach moves now when she does, it's so crazy!
Food cravings: Water. I really want to eat candy too, but i've been trying to resist that one because A) it's not good for the baby and B) Brit candy is weak anyways... unless you go to the cinema.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The heat. Public Transportation.
Gender: Baby girl
Labor Signs: I keep reading that I should be experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, but I feel nothing like that! Maybe this will be a good sign for actual labor in that I won't feel the initial parts all that much??
Symptoms: tiredness, swollen feet and hands (thank you heat), my pelvis feels like it's coming apart if I'm on my feet for too long, lots of pressure in my lower abdomen - surprisingly though, nothing I mind. No heartburn really though! I think that's because the baby has dropped :) It's been great!
Belly Button in or out? It seems more of an innie since the baby has dropped.
Wedding rings on or off?
Off. I have sausage fingers this week.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very very happy :) I feel the baby move so much every day now (getting comfy in there) it's such a fabulous feeling and total peace of mind!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
London Baby Shower
It's official, I have wonderful London friends! My London girls threw me an amazing baby shower today at Natalie's flat. There was food, presents and fun! We decorated onesies with iron-ons and glitter pens and then had good old fashioned girl talk. I got the cutest presents too! If was a great day... Check it out:
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The bumps! |
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Natalie's Cupcakes :) |
Craft Time |
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My Creation |
All of the Creations |
My Gifts! |
How cute are these?! |
Engaged... What does this mean?!
Yesterday was my 36 week appointment with the midwives. I met with Jo, who was the initial midwife that came to my house for my first appointment. She's super sweet and my absolute favorite midwife!
During my exam, she determined that Baby Girl's head is fully engaged... she's ready to come out! Unfortunately, this doesn't mean that an early arrival is imminent. I was told it could be a week or it could be 3 weeks! I guess only time will tell. The fact that I'm a first time mama favors a late arrival... boo!
But afterwards, I battled the 80 degree weather (in a city that doesn't believe in AC) and the severely delayed tube, to go visit Valentina :) She is 26 weeks pregnant and made us a beautiful lunch! It's always really nice to talk to friends that are pregnant because you can never really overdue the baby talk and they know exactly what you're going through! It was fun to see all her baby stuff that she's getting!
And then it was more 80 degree weather and delayed tubes home. I am really suffering in this London heat wave. Normally I would be doing cartwheels in this weather, but it's honestly awful when you're THIS pregnant. I'm SOOOOO hot and sweaty all the time... it's seriously miserable.
But after a rest and a shower, I got all dolled up and went out to dinner with my NCT Mamas and their partners! Andrew was literally the only person who couldn't make it (he had already committed to other dinner plans). I was a little late because silly me went to the wrong Made in Italy... I went to the one close to my flat, but everyone else was at the Kings Road location! When I walked in, the host looked at me and said' "I know where you're going, come with me!" and led me to the Preggo table! It causes quite a scene whenever we go anywhere as a group. I feel like a big fat celeb!
We were sitting on the third floor, inside, BUT the ceiling was rolled back to expose the sky so it was like being on a terrace. It was such a wonderful evening. I am really really enjoying getting to know all the girls. It's such a great group! We are going to try and get together Jubilee Weekend since none of us are allowed to fly anywhere for the long weekend!
During my exam, she determined that Baby Girl's head is fully engaged... she's ready to come out! Unfortunately, this doesn't mean that an early arrival is imminent. I was told it could be a week or it could be 3 weeks! I guess only time will tell. The fact that I'm a first time mama favors a late arrival... boo!
But afterwards, I battled the 80 degree weather (in a city that doesn't believe in AC) and the severely delayed tube, to go visit Valentina :) She is 26 weeks pregnant and made us a beautiful lunch! It's always really nice to talk to friends that are pregnant because you can never really overdue the baby talk and they know exactly what you're going through! It was fun to see all her baby stuff that she's getting!
And then it was more 80 degree weather and delayed tubes home. I am really suffering in this London heat wave. Normally I would be doing cartwheels in this weather, but it's honestly awful when you're THIS pregnant. I'm SOOOOO hot and sweaty all the time... it's seriously miserable.
But after a rest and a shower, I got all dolled up and went out to dinner with my NCT Mamas and their partners! Andrew was literally the only person who couldn't make it (he had already committed to other dinner plans). I was a little late because silly me went to the wrong Made in Italy... I went to the one close to my flat, but everyone else was at the Kings Road location! When I walked in, the host looked at me and said' "I know where you're going, come with me!" and led me to the Preggo table! It causes quite a scene whenever we go anywhere as a group. I feel like a big fat celeb!
We were sitting on the third floor, inside, BUT the ceiling was rolled back to expose the sky so it was like being on a terrace. It was such a wonderful evening. I am really really enjoying getting to know all the girls. It's such a great group! We are going to try and get together Jubilee Weekend since none of us are allowed to fly anywhere for the long weekend!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Busy week!
I'm 36 weeks today! This week has gone by the fastest yet and that's most likely because I've been one busy bee!
Sunday, Andrew and I went to Peter Jones in Sloane Square to get a few outstanding baby items that we still needed - muslin squares, a diaper disposal system, changing table mat and liners, cellular blankets, etc. Once home, we unwrapped everything and completely went through everything in the back room. Our furniture is being delivered on Saturday so we will finally have somewhere to put everything! This task led to A LOT more baby laundry for me to do. I really don't know what we are going to do with all these clothes we have. They are ALL for 0-3 months. I just don't know how she will wear them all without 10 outfit changes a day!
Monday was my last NCT class where we learned the fundamentals of breastfeeding. They show you all these amazing videos of newborn babies that are placed on their mother's abdomen and then they literally crawl/scoot their way to the breast! It all looks so easy, but from everything I hear from new moms, this is NOT the case. Regardless, I found the class extremely informative and interesting. I feel better prepared for what to expect those first days. Hopefully Baby Girl is a breastfeeding natural!
After class, I went back to Peter Jones to get a little gift for Kenna and Neil's new baby boy Baedan and to get me some stuff to knit and/or crochet Baby Girl a few things. I've started on a lavendar baby blanket (because I had a special blankie when I was little) and I thought it was going REALLY well until I was looking at it today and the one side looks a little wonky but I feel like I've gone too far to turn back! At least it will always be identifiable! Hey, it was made with love, right?
Then Tuesday, I went to visit Kenna and Neil's new baby who is 3.5 weeks old. He's so tiny and perfect! I got to hold him at the very end... it made me really nervous! He was barely 7 lbs... I guess I didn't realise how tiny newborns are. It also really made me want mine... now!
And now we are to Wednesday! I guess I should make these kind of plans every week and the baby will be here in no time! Although, next week I will be considered full term so baby can be here at any time... guess I should be prepared for that too!
Sunday, Andrew and I went to Peter Jones in Sloane Square to get a few outstanding baby items that we still needed - muslin squares, a diaper disposal system, changing table mat and liners, cellular blankets, etc. Once home, we unwrapped everything and completely went through everything in the back room. Our furniture is being delivered on Saturday so we will finally have somewhere to put everything! This task led to A LOT more baby laundry for me to do. I really don't know what we are going to do with all these clothes we have. They are ALL for 0-3 months. I just don't know how she will wear them all without 10 outfit changes a day!
Monday was my last NCT class where we learned the fundamentals of breastfeeding. They show you all these amazing videos of newborn babies that are placed on their mother's abdomen and then they literally crawl/scoot their way to the breast! It all looks so easy, but from everything I hear from new moms, this is NOT the case. Regardless, I found the class extremely informative and interesting. I feel better prepared for what to expect those first days. Hopefully Baby Girl is a breastfeeding natural!
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The Wonky side... |
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What to do with all this baby stuff?! |
And now we are to Wednesday! I guess I should make these kind of plans every week and the baby will be here in no time! Although, next week I will be considered full term so baby can be here at any time... guess I should be prepared for that too!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
35 weeks
35 weeks... less than 5 to go! Today was our last group NCT class. There is a breastfeeding session on Monday where a lady will literally show us how it's done, but funny enough, the dad's are trying to get out of this!
The topic today - life once baby gets here! I like these classes because they really give the dads ideas as to how to be engaged in the new family equation since honestly, the first few weeks are going to be nothing but feeding, diapers and nightly wipe downs for baby girl.
An interesting tip picked up in class today was the site It's basically Groupon (which I have just weened myself off of) for new Mamas! I bought the deal for today which was a Family photo session by a "Celebrity and Royalty" photographers! I'm hoping for a REALLY nice first family pic from this :)
My biggest takeaway from today was the video we watched was called Happiest Baby on the Block. It was done by an American Pediatrician and it taught us about the "Calming" reflex and the "5 S's" that trigger it.
The first 3 months after the baby is born is considered the "4th trimester" because human babies are born at a much early stage than any other mammal. Therefore, they will need their environment to mimic the womb during these months in order too keep them happy as they really are incapable of doing much else. Apparently, they startle themselves really easily and in comes the "5 S's" to the rescue - Swaddle, Side/Stomach, Shushing, swing, sucking.
If your baby is upset and seemingly inconsolable, you are to start by swaddling the baby. If your baby is not calmed by this alone, you are to hold your baby on his/her side. In the video, it was AMAZING how quickly the babies were calmed by this! BUT if this continues not to soothe baby, the next "S" is to Shush the baby. This one was really disturbing to me. Dr. Karp literally got right next to the crying baby's ear and went "SHHHHHH!!!!!!" REALLY loud into it! Like uncomfortably loud. It was kind of creepy. You are supposed to Shush as loud as the baby is crying. Andrew and I were thoroughly disturbed, and the babies had a look on their face like "WTF?!" BUT I have to say... they sure quieted down fast! We stopped watching the video at this point, but we all definitely got the gist of the 5 S's. Me, personally, may leave the Shush option as my very last "S" option!
After class, the entire group went to lunch around the corner and talked with each other for 3 hours! I love all the girls! Tannaz and Gelareh are not currently working as well, so we made plans to get together during the week! The rest of the group will try to get together on weekends until the babies start arriving! We have already started planning post baby walking groups and fun stuff like that since we all live within a short walking distance of each other. I am really happy we were able to meet so many wonderful people in the neighborhood! Who knew, having a baby - the secret to making friends in London.
The topic today - life once baby gets here! I like these classes because they really give the dads ideas as to how to be engaged in the new family equation since honestly, the first few weeks are going to be nothing but feeding, diapers and nightly wipe downs for baby girl.
An interesting tip picked up in class today was the site It's basically Groupon (which I have just weened myself off of) for new Mamas! I bought the deal for today which was a Family photo session by a "Celebrity and Royalty" photographers! I'm hoping for a REALLY nice first family pic from this :)
My biggest takeaway from today was the video we watched was called Happiest Baby on the Block. It was done by an American Pediatrician and it taught us about the "Calming" reflex and the "5 S's" that trigger it.
The first 3 months after the baby is born is considered the "4th trimester" because human babies are born at a much early stage than any other mammal. Therefore, they will need their environment to mimic the womb during these months in order too keep them happy as they really are incapable of doing much else. Apparently, they startle themselves really easily and in comes the "5 S's" to the rescue - Swaddle, Side/Stomach, Shushing, swing, sucking.
If your baby is upset and seemingly inconsolable, you are to start by swaddling the baby. If your baby is not calmed by this alone, you are to hold your baby on his/her side. In the video, it was AMAZING how quickly the babies were calmed by this! BUT if this continues not to soothe baby, the next "S" is to Shush the baby. This one was really disturbing to me. Dr. Karp literally got right next to the crying baby's ear and went "SHHHHHH!!!!!!" REALLY loud into it! Like uncomfortably loud. It was kind of creepy. You are supposed to Shush as loud as the baby is crying. Andrew and I were thoroughly disturbed, and the babies had a look on their face like "WTF?!" BUT I have to say... they sure quieted down fast! We stopped watching the video at this point, but we all definitely got the gist of the 5 S's. Me, personally, may leave the Shush option as my very last "S" option!
After class, the entire group went to lunch around the corner and talked with each other for 3 hours! I love all the girls! Tannaz and Gelareh are not currently working as well, so we made plans to get together during the week! The rest of the group will try to get together on weekends until the babies start arriving! We have already started planning post baby walking groups and fun stuff like that since we all live within a short walking distance of each other. I am really happy we were able to meet so many wonderful people in the neighborhood! Who knew, having a baby - the secret to making friends in London.
How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain: 23.5 lbs - Apparently Baby Girl will be putting on mad weight these next few weeks so I'm guessing that number will keep going up!
Maternity clothes? Essential now. Although my sweats are the most comfy outfits!
Stretch marks? Nope. Hang in there skin!
Sleep: Sleeping
OK. Wishing the dreaming would cut out for just a couple nights... although now I keep dreaming that she's arrived already and boy is she cute ;)
Best moment this week: Packing my hospital bag... it all feels so close!
Miss Anything?
My waist... sushi.. wine... the usual.
Movement: Strong stretches. And she goes nuts during baby class! I wonder if she can "feel" the other babies around. She still remains most active at night.
Food cravings: Nothing really... water, maybe? I'm ALWAYS thirsty.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Being tired.
Gender: Baby girl
Labor Signs: Nope, one more week and I hit the full term mark! Althought technically I will still have 3 more weeks from that point... but that should fly!
Symptoms: Heartburn. That will be the best thing about the baby getting here - no more heartburn!
Belly Button in or out? I do not consider it an outtie, but Andrew says there is no way it can be considered still an innie. I'm in Belly Button Limbo!
Wedding rings on or off?
On but I've had to split them - engagement ring on one hand, wedding bands on the other. But when I'm hot (which seems to be ALL the time) my fingers swell something AWFUL!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very very happy :) Touch wood - I can't really say that I've had crazy mood swings during this pregnancy :)
Looking forward to: The movie What to Expect when Expecting. We plan to see it next weekend and this will probably be one of the LAST times we go to a movie peacefully for a very long time. LOL.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Nursery Inspiration
I super love Restoration Hardware and I love love love this Nursery! I will use as inspiration for Baby Girl's room, but probably not until we are back stateside.
34 weeks and Delusional
We are definitely in the home stretch. Our neighbors keep telling me I look like I'm going to pop!
We've reached 34 weeks and after 2 NCT Antenatal classes, I'm pretty sure I want to try for a natural birth. For some reason, I don't think the pain of childbirth will be unmanageable, but as I have absolutely nothing to base this on, perhaps I am just completely delusional? I expressed this opinion to my brother Jesse last night and he immediate response was "Don't be a hero.."
But we are going 100% NHS and the birthing units are Chelsea Westminster are really nice and can only be used by women with low risk pregnancies wanting a natural birth. They are private with mats, birthing balls and a birthing pool for labor. There are only 3 currently at the hospital, but there is a 65% epidural rate at the hospital as well, so maybe there won't be a lot of competition for it? I will have one on one Midwife care no matter what and able to be transferred to the labor ward if I REALLY want to go the epidural route, but apparently 89% of women who use the birthing unit stick it out. The other 11% are transferred out because labor stops and they need to be induced or because of complications. I don't have to have a birth plan until week 36 so I have a bit more time to think about it. It just seems like such a better experience for the baby to go naturally. We shall see...
We've reached 34 weeks and after 2 NCT Antenatal classes, I'm pretty sure I want to try for a natural birth. For some reason, I don't think the pain of childbirth will be unmanageable, but as I have absolutely nothing to base this on, perhaps I am just completely delusional? I expressed this opinion to my brother Jesse last night and he immediate response was "Don't be a hero.."
But we are going 100% NHS and the birthing units are Chelsea Westminster are really nice and can only be used by women with low risk pregnancies wanting a natural birth. They are private with mats, birthing balls and a birthing pool for labor. There are only 3 currently at the hospital, but there is a 65% epidural rate at the hospital as well, so maybe there won't be a lot of competition for it? I will have one on one Midwife care no matter what and able to be transferred to the labor ward if I REALLY want to go the epidural route, but apparently 89% of women who use the birthing unit stick it out. The other 11% are transferred out because labor stops and they need to be induced or because of complications. I don't have to have a birth plan until week 36 so I have a bit more time to think about it. It just seems like such a better experience for the baby to go naturally. We shall see...
How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain: 22 lbs (down 2 lbs from last week but I guess that's what happens when you aren't eating at a buffet for every meal!)
Maternity clothes? Enjoying them more and more. I'm still able to piece together a few cute outfits every now and then!
Stretch marks? Nope. Hang in there skin!
Sleep: Sleeping
OK. I have really vivid dreams that feel like I'm watching movies all night long so I don't feel overly rested when I wake up. My hips are also starting to fall asleep a bit if I lay on one side for too long!
Best moment this week: Being able to "rub" her awake so she kicks me where I rub her! Setting up the crib... it's making everything VERY real! Deep cleaning the bedroom... it's really nice living in a fresh house.
Miss Anything? My waist - their are some really cute summer clothes out there!! I can't wait to be able to run again and be fit. Although I still feel really fit overall... I'm mostly belly!
Movement: Strong stretches. She gets the hiccups at least once a day which feels pretty funny.
Food cravings: Cookies... and doughnuts... things you're not supposed to eat!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Cars. My car sickness has really intensified, especially if I have an empty stomach.
Gender: Baby girl
Labor Signs: Nope, but apparently I'm full term in 2 weeks! eek!
Symptoms: Heartburn is back with a vengeance - I even threw up once this week. Awful! My feet really hurt too if I've been on them for more than 30 minutes at a time. My feet aren't used to my new weight!
Belly Button in or out? Still considered in. I don't know that I will get an outtie, but it's sure close.
Wedding rings on or off? Off mostly. My fingers started swelling awfully yesterday and some of the girls in Baby Class told me they can't get theirs off so perhaps I will retire them until after baby is here. I think the 8th month I retain a lot of water or so I've read.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very very happy :) A bit anxious. Things are starting to get serious... baby will be here soon!
Looking forward to: My mom coming. She's coming June 18th. It's not getting here soon enough! Happy mother's day to all the mama's out there :)
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Redecorating the Bedroom
I had a surge of nesting mode this morning. We finally got rid of the dresser in our room so I used that as an opportunity to deep clean the entire bedroom. It was MUCH needed! In these old houses, you would not believe the amount of dust that accumulates. It's disgusting really.
So of course after I cleaned and saw the newly open space, I decided to put Baby Girl's crib together! Well... the playard.
We went with the Safety 1st Key West playard. I love it because of the attached (and able to be removed) changer for those middle of the night diapers! The bassinet feature is also nice because I can store stuff underneath. Space is of course a premium in our flat so that was a really nice bonus!
Things are starting to come together! We have these really cute black and white VW Bug pictures we found at Primark (kind of a mix of Walmart and Forever 21). I mean, you can't beat 4 quid right? I am not sure exactly how we'll hang them, but perhaps that will be a weekend project for me and my baby daddy ;)
The only minor snafoo, the playard crib sheets I got from Target are a little small. I got the crib mattress pad (because the one it comes with is a little hard in my opinion) and I don't know if it's because it's a bit thicker with the mattress or if perhaps I bought the wrong sheets, but I think we will need some new sheets for baby girl. Perhaps that will be my task today :)
So of course after I cleaned and saw the newly open space, I decided to put Baby Girl's crib together! Well... the playard.
We went with the Safety 1st Key West playard. I love it because of the attached (and able to be removed) changer for those middle of the night diapers! The bassinet feature is also nice because I can store stuff underneath. Space is of course a premium in our flat so that was a really nice bonus!
Things are starting to come together! We have these really cute black and white VW Bug pictures we found at Primark (kind of a mix of Walmart and Forever 21). I mean, you can't beat 4 quid right? I am not sure exactly how we'll hang them, but perhaps that will be a weekend project for me and my baby daddy ;)
The only minor snafoo, the playard crib sheets I got from Target are a little small. I got the crib mattress pad (because the one it comes with is a little hard in my opinion) and I don't know if it's because it's a bit thicker with the mattress or if perhaps I bought the wrong sheets, but I think we will need some new sheets for baby girl. Perhaps that will be my task today :)
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Sleeping on an Incline?
As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am obsessed with the nap nanny. It is a ridiculously expensive piece of foam for baby to sleep in that is at a 30% incline. I like this because you can take it from room to room with you and baby can nap in your presence and it would be easy to travel with for use at the grandparents houses for short visits instead of hauling the playard before it's absolutely necessary.
I have been trying to read what's out there on newborns sleeping on an incline. Apparently, it's great if your baby has acid reflux or issues sleeping on their backs. It kind of mimics a "lap." The jury is still out on how I feel about inclined vs flat sleeping, but I think this will be a useful product to have around... especially since I think I will have severe separation anxiety!
I have been trying to read what's out there on newborns sleeping on an incline. Apparently, it's great if your baby has acid reflux or issues sleeping on their backs. It kind of mimics a "lap." The jury is still out on how I feel about inclined vs flat sleeping, but I think this will be a useful product to have around... especially since I think I will have severe separation anxiety!
New Friends at School
Our NCT Antenatal classes started last night. We chose to go with the NCT (rather than the NHS) in an effort to meet other couples/new parents in our neighborhood. Mission accomplished!
There were 7 other preggo mamas, three of which brought their other halves (Andrew thought he was going to be the only one there for awhile). The class shows exactly how international Kensington is as there was only one British mama there (no Brit men either). The were two Iranian Mamas, which I really liked, a Brit mama, a Russian mama, an Irish mama, a German mama and an Italian Mama. I was the furthest along by a few weeks, yet the smallest belly! Iranian Mama Tannaz is due the day after me and she is twice as big as me... Had I not been to the midwives earlier yesterday, I would have been more worried. I am looking good to go - everything is as it should be! Baby Girl even turned around as of yesterday, she's no longer breech :)
But Antenatal class was sobering to say the least. We brainstormed questions we have about birth and labor and then the stages of labor. I didn't realise all the turning involved of the baby when you push her out and the "transition" phase I am not really looking forward to (the one they show on TV where the moms freak out and curse at the dad and say they can't do it). Perhaps I am completely in denial, but I really do not think labor will be as bad as I keep reading about/hearing. I am hopeful! Probably foolish...
In the UK, you should not go to the hospital until your contractions are strong and 3 minutes apart or they will send you home! The majority of your first stage of labor will be done at home, which I kind of like because for first babies, the first stage can take 6 - 20 hours! YIKES! I didn't realise the pushing part can take 1-2 hours... SO MUCH INFORMATION!
The next class is Saturday where we will talk about "Coping with Labor" - you aren't supposed to say the dirty P word... PAIN - and I am supposed to research a pain relief method that appeals to me... I'm choosing epidural! From what I have read so far, I will not use any other pain meds because of the side effects that I will surely feel - nausea and vomiting... i mean, who wants all that while you are in the middle of labor?!
Another takeaway - research Hypnobirthing. Apparently, mothers who use this technique remember the experience more positively. Never heard of it.
They definitely promote Natural Birth here, even though they say their primary goal is to give us information. I must say... I am starting to drink the Koolaide. But I am told if I insist on an epidural, that I can have one... whew!
The cutest part of Antenatal Class? There will be a reunion in September where we get pictures of all the babies together! Jean, our teacher, showed us some previous class pics last night... soooo sweet!
There were 7 other preggo mamas, three of which brought their other halves (Andrew thought he was going to be the only one there for awhile). The class shows exactly how international Kensington is as there was only one British mama there (no Brit men either). The were two Iranian Mamas, which I really liked, a Brit mama, a Russian mama, an Irish mama, a German mama and an Italian Mama. I was the furthest along by a few weeks, yet the smallest belly! Iranian Mama Tannaz is due the day after me and she is twice as big as me... Had I not been to the midwives earlier yesterday, I would have been more worried. I am looking good to go - everything is as it should be! Baby Girl even turned around as of yesterday, she's no longer breech :)
But Antenatal class was sobering to say the least. We brainstormed questions we have about birth and labor and then the stages of labor. I didn't realise all the turning involved of the baby when you push her out and the "transition" phase I am not really looking forward to (the one they show on TV where the moms freak out and curse at the dad and say they can't do it). Perhaps I am completely in denial, but I really do not think labor will be as bad as I keep reading about/hearing. I am hopeful! Probably foolish...
The next class is Saturday where we will talk about "Coping with Labor" - you aren't supposed to say the dirty P word... PAIN - and I am supposed to research a pain relief method that appeals to me... I'm choosing epidural! From what I have read so far, I will not use any other pain meds because of the side effects that I will surely feel - nausea and vomiting... i mean, who wants all that while you are in the middle of labor?!
Another takeaway - research Hypnobirthing. Apparently, mothers who use this technique remember the experience more positively. Never heard of it.
They definitely promote Natural Birth here, even though they say their primary goal is to give us information. I must say... I am starting to drink the Koolaide. But I am told if I insist on an epidural, that I can have one... whew!
The cutest part of Antenatal Class? There will be a reunion in September where we get pictures of all the babies together! Jean, our teacher, showed us some previous class pics last night... soooo sweet!
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Sample Reunion Pic |
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
My MASSIVE to Do List
I've been emailing with my friend Amy who is due with Baby #2 in like 2 weeks! She has made me sobering aware that I have not done much in preparation for what's coming. I mean, I hit 34 weeks tomorrow... I should really be buckling down and taking this seriously!
I did a little searching this morning and this is apparently the To-Do list I should be working from:
I have a Midwife appt today so hopefully I'll get a better idea of what to expect!
In addition to a childbirth class, you may want to consider classes on baby care, breastfeeding, and infant CPR. Many hospitals offer these, and you can also ask your caregiver or childbirth education teacher for a recommendation.
Our Antenatal Classes start tonight! I definitely want to take a pediatric emergency medicine course as well... it's the girl scout in me!
Today I plan to ask how this works in the UK. I am assuming I would go to my normal GP, but I want to make sure they will provide the same vaccinations as in the States. I am definitely pro-vaccinating my baby.
Lucky for me (thanks to my loving husband) I will be staying home with the baby for awhile. I am also thinking about donating her cordblood - maybe it will help someone in need?
* The pram is assembled (stroller) and ready to go.
Not sure what other gear I am leaving out!
Baby girl will be sleeping in our room through the summer. I definitely want to make sure I am up on my info to prevent SIDs.
I have briefly read about this. My gut is telling me to go as far as I can naturally, but always have the option of an epidural! The thing is here, the Midwives really don't want you to have the epidural because then a doctor has to be involved - they can't take the lead anymore. The other pain management options don't really appeal to me.
Key things to bring include your insurance card, toiletries, comfy clothing, a going-home outfit for your baby, a camera or video camera (plus charger!), and snacks for after labor. You may also want to bring a box of chocolates or other treat for the nurses (not required, but appreciated!).
I will have to think about this a bit more...
Toward the end of your pregnancy, slow down and save up your energy for labor day (and beyond). If you've been sitting or lying down for a long time, don't jump up too quickly. Blood can pool in your feet and legs, causing a temporary drop in your blood pressure when you get up that can make you feel dizzy.
Easier said than done! I'm ready to have this baby now!
Well, if that isn't daunting, I don't know what is!
I did a little searching this morning and this is apparently the To-Do list I should be working from:
Learn about third-trimester prenatal visits and tests
You'll most likely have a checkup every two weeks from 28 to 36 weeks,
then switch to once-a-week visits until you deliver.
Consider more classes
In addition to a childbirth class, you may want to consider classes on baby care, breastfeeding, and infant CPR. Many hospitals offer these, and you can also ask your caregiver or childbirth education teacher for a recommendation.
Prepare for breastfeeding
The midwives gave me a video to watch. I should probably get on that. Although, I have watched several coaching videos on youtube... No sweat, I got this ;)
Choose a doctor for your baby
Today I plan to ask how this works in the UK. I am assuming I would go to my normal GP, but I want to make sure they will provide the same vaccinations as in the States. I am definitely pro-vaccinating my baby.
Think about big decisions
Lucky for me (thanks to my loving husband) I will be staying home with the baby for awhile. I am also thinking about donating her cordblood - maybe it will help someone in need?
Assemble your baby gear
* The pram is assembled (stroller) and ready to go.
* The crib, I think I may do that this week some time.
* The changer won't be delivered until the 26th of May... that may be a project for Andrew.
* We were going to hold off on getting the car seat, but it seems to be becoming more and more necessary with our plans over the next few months.
* I'm obsessed with the nap nanny. I will need to get this too.
Set up a safe place for your baby to sleep
Learn about coping with labor pain
There's no one
right way to deliver a baby: Every woman's experience with pain is
different and every labor is different. But whether you know you want pain medication during childbirth or a natural birth, it's good to learn about your options now.
Know the stages of labor
first-time moms, labor takes an average of 15 hours, though it's not
uncommon to last more than 20. (For women who've previously had a
vaginal birth, it averages eight hours.) The process is divided into
three main stages.
Hmm... better get on this because all my daily app announcements keep warning me of the signs of early labor... not psyched about that.
Create a birth plan
Childbirth is unpredictable, and chances are you won't follow your
birth plan to the letter. Still, it's helpful to figure out your
preferences for pain management techniques, who'll be present during
delivery, whether your baby will "room in" with you after birth, and
more beforehand.
Wash your baby's clothing and bedding
Start lining up helpers
My mom is coming for 7 weeks! Whew!
Commemorate your belly
Some nice bump pictures would be good... Maybe next weekend?
Consider top baby costs and how to save
I should definitely look into this more... I'm hoping breastfeeding as long as possible will severely reduce these!
Read up on baby care
I have What to Expect: The First Year. I'm ready! ooh.. AND the Hot Mamas Handbook. Sorted.
Pack your bag for the hospital or birth center
Key things to bring include your insurance card, toiletries, comfy clothing, a going-home outfit for your baby, a camera or video camera (plus charger!), and snacks for after labor. You may also want to bring a box of chocolates or other treat for the nurses (not required, but appreciated!).
Have your house cleaned
Hoping Andrew and my mom will help me with this!
Stock up on household supplies
avoid having to make trips to the store with your newborn, stock up now
on pantry staples, frozen food, toiletries, medicine, toilet paper,
shampoo – even extra pairs of underwear! And of course, make sure you
have newborn necessities like diapers, wipes, baby clothing, and bottles and formula if you plan to use these.
Great advice.
Make food for after your baby's born
Hmm... our freezer is the size of a shoe box. Hoping my mom will help with this!
Install your baby's car seat
Still trying to figure out how we will get home from the hospital. It's only a 10 minute walk but I have a feeling I will NOT be up to walking.
Tour your hospital or birth center
Yes... still need to do this...
Make a plan for when labor starts
before the first contractions hit, you'll want a firm plan in place.
Your doctor or midwife should give you a clear set of guidelines for
when to call and – unless you're having a home birth
– when to head to the hospital or birth center. Decide who will take
you there, and have a few back-up folks lined up to help if you need it.
Know the route you'll take – this may sound silly, but it will be one
fewer thing to think about. This includes learning where to park and
which entrance to use when it's
time to check yourself in.
Create an online birth announcement
This will be fun! I think I will do this and set it up so I just need to pop in the picture when she's here!
Look out for late-pregnancy complications
Unfortunately, pregnancy complications pop up in the third trimester, too – including premature labor and preeclampsia. Be on the lookout for symptoms that warrant a call to your doctor or midwife.
Find baby name inspiration
Check! We are pretty set here :)
Slow down
Toward the end of your pregnancy, slow down and save up your energy for labor day (and beyond). If you've been sitting or lying down for a long time, don't jump up too quickly. Blood can pool in your feet and legs, causing a temporary drop in your blood pressure when you get up that can make you feel dizzy.
I think I will send this one to Andrew. He is forever dragging me all over the place!
Learn what your body will be like after birth
This is the most disturbing reading I've been doing. I need to explore this one a lot more.
Stock up on light entertainment
Now's not the time to start Moby Dick or War and Peace.
Instead, pick up some magazines and not-too-challenging novels, buy
DVDs of your favorite TV shows or find them online, or fill your DVR.
Once your baby arrives, you'll be too sleep-deprived and busy to watch
entire movies or do serious reading – but you'll be glad to have easy,
quick ways to get an entertainment fix when you get the chance.
Don't panic if you go past your due date
Easier said than done! I'm ready to have this baby now!
Well, if that isn't daunting, I don't know what is!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Babymooning in Crete!
1. It is good to bring a set of grandparents along.
2. Even the best babies will scream on a plane for no apparent reason.
3. After 3 kids, you are just making it REALLY hard for yourself.
4. Not sure I would ever get a double stroller (when Baby #2 comes) - they are massive and don't fit easily everywhere.
But Andrew and I had an amazing babymoon. Just relaxed, ate and relaxed some more. The only place you could get internet access was if you were in reception (nothing in the rooms and it was spotty by the pool) so you were REALLY cut off from the world! I have to say, I didn't really mind it! Unfortunately, I am not very tan. I actually felt nauseous if I was in the sun for too long and I really didn't want to overheat. I think baby girl will have my skin coloring though. She danced all around when the sun would hit my belly - a natural sunbather!
Andrew actually ran and went to the gym everyday... I on the other hand ate, read in my lounge chair, ate again, read in my lounge chair, showered and then ate again. Although I looked like a beached whale in my bathing suit I have to say, it was pretty cool not worrying one bit what I looked like in it!

I was a little bad in Greece and broke some of the pregnancy eating rules - how can you not have a little feta in Greece?! That was the only rule I really broke I guess. Well, that and eating tons of Tzatiki... I doubt that yoghurt was pasteurised but what can you do...
The BEST day was my birthday! We rented a convertible and drove around the east bit of the island for the day. We started in Agios Nikolaos and then making our way north to Plaka which was my FAVORITE place we went! We parked and walked to the water to find a lunch spot. This fabulous little Greek man sold us on the first place we walked by with all their fresh catches - mainly the grilled calamari - and then he showed me a live crayfish that was the size of a lobster and twice as fat!
We had Tzatiki, the grilled calamari, a greek salad, some olives and garlic bread. The best part though was that this little outdoor restaurant was built on a little cliff over looking the water! It was absolutely breathtaking and the best food we had, hands down, the entire trip.
We really enjoyed ourselves and each other. I am very relieved to be home with no baby issues...the end is getting close!
How far along? 33 Weeks
Total weight gain: 24 lbs
Maternity clothes? Dresses mostly these days. Even maternity pants aren't as comfy... Anything that pushes on my bladder is a no no!
Stretch marks? Nope. WHEW!
Sleep: Sleeping OK. I am quite comfy on my back but I know that's not acceptable when this far along so I constantly have to move myself! I really hate sleeping on my side.
Best moment this week: Not having the baby in Greece :) Also feeling her move regularly. She has never really been a kicker. She's more of a flopper and I am starting to feel little feet stretch up into my ribs!
Miss Anything? Wine, REALLY good non-pasteurised cheese, proscuitto and sushi.
Movement:Lots. Mostly when I'm sitting though. She seems to really enjoy stretching her legs and she gets the hiccups a lot! She also doesn't like if I'm sitting and then lean forward. She flips out a bit.
Food cravings: Food. I just want to eat all the time. ALL the time.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still not psyched about ground beef.
Gender: Baby girl
Labor Signs: No. I'm a bit worried about preterm labor for some unjustified reason.
Symptoms: I didn't have heartburn this week! Any time I walk around, I literally have to pee every 20 minutes... max. It's getting REALLY annoying. I'm sleepy all the time too.
Belly Button in or out? Still considered in. I don't know that I will get an outtie, but it's sure close.
Wedding rings on or off? On. My fingers and face haven't really swelled/put on weight.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very very happy :)
Looking forward to: Going to the midwives tomorrow and seeing what's up! I've got a birth plan to write... no one has talked to me about the birth yet... I just feel like there's a lot to look forward to! We also start our Antenatal Classes tomorrow. Should be interesting!
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